So, we've had some big changes occur 'round these parts. After living with us for a year and a half, Hannah moved back to my parents' house in Maryland. It's so weird to go from having her here to not having her here...but all 3 of us knew it was for the best :) We talked about it in November and all just felt it was time- time for Behn, Graham and myself to be our own family. Time for Hannah to continue her relationship with Ben, her boyfriend, and to be nearer to him, and to be able to focus on finishing school. As a sister, I especially will miss her. I always looked forward to her coming through the door at 2 p.m. MWF to keep me company, make me laugh, and help wrangle babies. We had some fun times- dinner out at Macados, playing in the river, watching chick flicks. I love the relationship she's had with Graham, and he with her. They love each other! When we all decided that this was best, we were bummed because we can't afford the rent on this house wit...