A Day In the Life

It's pretty hard to describe my 'typical' day with these two boys...but I will try!

I try to stay on a general schedule, but every day is different. Some days we have playdates, some days we don't. Some days we're outside a lot, sometimes we're inside more. Some days they nap well, some days they don't. Some days I want to give up, pull my hair out, lock them in a cage (just kidding), or sell them to a circus (kidding again). Some days I delight in their giggles, kisses, and silly antics.

Frankie gets here around 8:30 or 9:00 a.m. Graham is always excited to see him. They usually play for a little bit while I inhale coffee and say bye to Behn. I try to have Graham's breakfast over with before Frankie gets here, so that I can focus on giving Frankie his breakfast. Of course, when one kid is eating, the other wants to eat too. We play for a while or go for a walk, then around 10:30 I try to get one or both of them down for a nap. Then I spring into action (sometimes)! Even if one kiddo is asleep, it is so much easier to get stuff done. I clean up dishes, sweep, do laundry, etc. (or blog, read, talk on the phone. Every day is different, like I said.) When they start waking up, I do diaper changes and then lunch. Often, we're gearing up for a playdate or outing at this point, but sometimes we are home all day. The afternoons fly by if we go out (hallelujah) or can be very slow, especially when they start bickering over toys or are generally cranky. I never know what I'm gonna get! My patience can wear thin- I am so imperfect. It does help, though, when I get on the floor with them and play or read to them. They really respond to my enthusiasm.We do a lot of peek-a-boo and chasing, which thrills them beyond belief. Occasionally I'll get a 2nd nap from one of them, but this is rare now (boohoo!!). And usually around 4:30 I indulge all of us in 30 minutes of a DVD. It is so nice that they can actually sit for a short movie now. Frankie leaves at 5:30 and I will admit this seems like quite a long day, especially when I have to run out the door a couple of nights a week to my 2nd job as soon as Behn comes home. But that's just how it is right now, and I am very grateful to be home with Graham.

I don't really think of myself as 'just' a stay-at-home mom. (Not that any woman is 'just' a stay-at-home mom. It is work, whether it's 1 child or 10, even if they are yours.) I feel like I'm a working mom, keeping another child 9 hours a day, 5 days a week. It's complicated and tiring with 2 kids, but we have worked out the details and I'm just glad I can enjoy them both and take them out to play with other kids, which would be very hard if I kept even one more child. Spending time with other moms is a blessing and my sanity :)

So, that's the general description of my life these days.  When I'm feeling sorry for myself because it's hard, I just remember that I don't have to carry clean water to my house. I don't have to handwash my clothes. I don't have to pick my own food in a field. I am so 'lucky' to be a mom in the USA. I am trying to learn to love these days, these moments, and give God the glory :)

P.S. As I was writing this post, I heard one of them waking up. I went to get him and found he'd a had a blow-out. you know the kind where you have to change their clothes. If you want a visual of my life, imagine me up to my elbows in baby poo. Or pushing kids on a swing. Or rolling a ball with glee. Or force-feeding them mac 'n cheese. Or cuddling little boys....the list goes on!!


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