Currently (what's up right now)

Ok, few dear readers, I haven't heard from you much lately. Which I get...because sometimes this blog is kind of BOOOORRRRING! So, just for fun, here's what is going on currently:

  • Currently Watching: Downton Abbey, like the rest of the world. The heard the season finale on Sunday is 'devastating.' How can anything be more devastating than episode 4?? Downton, I warn you, if you are disappointing or break my heart, I will leave you. 
         I also dabble in Parks and Rec and Parenthood, with a side of The Bachelor.
  • Currently Sweating: me, on the treadmill in the basement. This, with the combination of cutting out sodas and some snacks, means that the jeans that were very tight when I first had Patrick are now comfortably baggy. YES! I still have work to do, but am feeling better about myself.
  • Currently Reading: 7 by Jen Hatmaker

You guys, I love this book. "A mutiny against excess." Jen Hatmaker journals through seven months of giving up various things in 7 areas of her life. She is a hilarious writer- it's an easy read- but also is willing to challenge herself and her readers to take a good, hard look at their lives and the access in them. The goal is simply to cast aside idols in order to refocus on Christ and to live more ethically. I'm in. I don't think I'm actually going to try her experiment right now, but the principles of the book (which are Biblical) have set into my heart.
  • Currently Inspired By: My friend Lauren posted this video of adoptions that have taken place in her church (she and her husband are in the video too because one of their sons is adopted). How beautiful is this? "At Ninth and O Baptist Church, we believe orphan care is what happens when Christians believe the gospel." And this, my friends, is why when we find a house, it needs an extra bedroom.
  • Currently Sipping: Hazelnut cream coffee. Someone gave my parents a Keurig for Christmas and I am going to take full advantage as long as we live here.
  • Currently 'Dating:' other local moms. I joined a moms group (don't heckle me, I don't want to talk about it...joining a moms group was something I said I'd never do) and am playing the scene, trying to find some good new friends for the boys and I. So far, there seem to some awesome ladies out there. It's just nice to commiserate with someone about cloth diapers, sleepless nights, and nose picking.
  • Currently Valentines Day: The boys got a cute Valentines package from their cousins in San Diego. Included was this onesie:

                                                          Thanks Aunt Lydia R and E!
  • Currently Sassy: Graham telling me when he's 'noddy' (naughty). Example: Graham throws a book on the floor. 
          Me: "Graham, you're not to throw books on the floor."
          Graham: "Noddy." 
          Me: "Indeed."

         So that is what's current with me. What's current with you, friend? Are you sucked into Downton as well? Are your kids being 'noddy?' Are you reading any good books? Tell me more!


  1. Very sucked into DA. I wanted to hug Tom Branson last week - so proud of how his heart is showing. (And I also love Parenthood - but why was their season so short again?)
    I loved 7. I need to reread it, but I loaned it out (months ago) and have yet to see it again.
    I am reading Give Them Grace - I am not sure if I love it or hate it. I'm only 2 1/2 chapters in.
    And go you for the moms group! I need more local mommy-friends, but I find it hard to put myself out there.

    1. I'm still on Parenthood Season 3, so haven't gotten to 4 yet. Let me know if you end up liking Give Them Grace, I'd be interested! I haven't read it. Yes, it IS hard to put ourselves out there and make friends. It's hit or miss sometimes, but I find it worth the try :)

  2. Your blog may be "boring" but it matches up so well with my life that I love it. It seems like we go through all the same things: husbands needing new jobs, house hunting, cloth diapers, pregnancy, etc.

    P.S. I'm a fellow DA addict. I'm finally liking Branson for the first time.

  3. And I'm also currently loving adoption stuff. Now if only I can convince the hubby...

    1. Pray for his heart. God may very well move him in that direction :) I find that most of the time it is the wife who wants to adopt first. God juts gives us nurturing hearts.

  4. I love your blog! Your life mirrors mine it seems.

    Moving has taken over my life. Trying to take it easy so I don't go into preterm or have to go on bed rest! I need to catch up on Downton, maybe I will be able to this weekend while Joel is working nights. I'm sad the season is close to done. :(

    1. Oh my, yes, take plenty of rest and keep those babies cookin'! I'm excited to hear how things are in your new place.

  5. Oooh thanks for the book suggestion, Meg. I'm always down for a good book suggestion. And your blog is not boring! I, as I'm sure are others, love being able to keep up with y'all a little bit, even though we no longer live in the same town :( Oh gosh, Downton-I haven't yet started you, but I feel the pressure even more now! I'm sure you won't disappoint, or rather-you better not! Praying for y'all and the house hunt especially! xoxo Emily Danner

    1. Hi Emily! Thanks for the kind words and prayers! I'm sad our paths crossed so briefly but maybe we'll meet again :)

  6. Ha...I think we're blog twins! At least somewhat. I'm almost finished with the book "7" and love, love, love it!

    But I must confess I haven't caved and watched Downtown Abbey yet. :)

    1. I LOVE it too! Just finished it and ready for "Radical" by Platt


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