Graham Attends A Birthday Party

I've never put a picture up or used the name of the other child I watch on the blog- I wasn't sure if his parents wanted me to. But over the weekend Graham got to go to his first birthday party and I took lots of pics and got permission from Frankie's mom to post them (yup, Baby F is Frankie). It was really sweet going to Frankie's 1st birthday party- after all, he and I have a pretty strong bond and Graham really loves his best bud.

Frankie's party was at a farm! How fun is that??

We had a really hard time getting them both to look/smile.

On a hayride. They both loved it! So much to see..

Picking a pumpkin

Looking at Baby Goats with Daddy

It was a fun fall day. Graham really does love Frankie. Every morning when Frankie gets here, Graham is all squeals and giggles. They play together, fight, wake each other up, and get into trouble together. Basically, they're like brothers. Sweet little boys that keep me on my toes. Speaking of which, I should go now because they're up and busy!


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