Rainy Day

It's so peaceful, at the moment. Just got the 2 stinkers down for a nap, and am enjoying the quiet sound of the rain.

Graham has been challenging lately. He has 4(!!!) teeth coming in, all at once. I guess because he is teething late, they are all trying to pop out at once. The 2 on the top are pretty close now. He's been miserable much of the time. He's ok when he's occupied with playmates (grandparents, daddy, aunt Hannah, Baby F, or other friends), but when he sees that I'm nearby he's very clingy and fussy. Poor kid! The nights have been awful, but we Tylenol'd up the past 2 nights and that helped.

Running has been going well! I've taken the boys in the double stroller 3x and went once on my own. It feels so good and I know I'm getting stronger. If the rain stops later, I'm going to aim for a 3-mile run. Only 3 1/2 weeks left (I think) until I'll need to be up to 6.

Still praying for family members who are having health problems...especially my sweet grandpa.


  1. I need to learn to run. I think I would feel better if I started, even small amounts.

    Thanks for your encouaging words on my blog. I feared blogging about it because I didn't want to come across hateful. I loved your last line, "Well, call me a yankee, 'cause I'm a mess!!" I want that on a t-shirt! (which I will wear with sweatpants, haha)

  2. Thanks Amanda!

    So, as soon as I hit 'publish' on this post, Graham woke up screaming. He'd been asleep like 20 minutes. The rest of the day was so hard. I can't wait for these teeth to come in!!! No running for us today :(


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