Megan's Top 8 Ways to Save Money on Food

Let's be honest, food is necessary but expensive. Here are my favorite ways to save some bucks:
1. Go vegetarian when possible. Rice and beans can be dressed up in so many delicious ways! Vegetable stew with beef gravy is just as good as beef stew.

2. Coupons. Obviously. Some stores even offer digital coupons you can download onto your store discount card. And along with that, look for sales and buy the store brand instead of name brand.

3. Take cash only. It's way less tempting to throw extra stuff in your cart when you think about how humiliating it'll be at check-out when you don't have enough money...

4. Make you own bread. Ok, this isn't a huge money saver once you buy the flour, yeast, butter, sugar, etc. But it tastes (and smells) WAY better. And it's EASY!

5. Eat up your leftovers. And if you buy an odd ingredient for a meal and don't use all of it, find another recipe to utilize that ingredient.

6. Take 2 little boys with you to the store. Because you'll have to push a double stroller and carry the handbasket of food. And the handbasket will quickly get heavy and cut off your circulation and you'll be darting to the check-out line realllllly fast!

7. Don't buy brie cheese. It's soooo good. But soooo expensive. Also don't buy chocolate milk.

8. Double your recipe and freeze the extras. A wonderful way to enjoy an evening of no-cooking down the road.


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