Perfect Autumn

This week has been just amazing Autumn weather. First warm and sunny, then rainy, and now cool and bright. Everytime I see the array of colors on the hills and mountains, so close you could almost touch them, I think, "We'll never live anywhere as beautiful as here." It really is amazing how creative God is. He could've just made the trees drop their leaves green, but instead we (and He) get to enjoy the unfolding of the season and splendor of creation. I'm also enjoying watching the flocks of birds passing through.

While we are spending lots of time outside, Graham is also enjoying playing inside. He loves our keyboard. I think he's musical. Look how tall he is!

He also loves the new rocking horse from Nana and PopPop. So fun! He and Baby F have been fighting over it, it's just so popular.

This morning I had been out of the house for a while and Behn was on daddy duty. As I walked up to the house, I saw Graham's little face light up through the window and when I walked through the door, he started clapping! How sweet is he? Mama's boy :)


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