10K Recap

I DID IT!!! Yep, I ran all 6 miles :) And there were some BIG hills, people. Don't forget we live in western Virginia. Like, as in mountains. Though I didn't run up a mountain, there were lots of hills on the course.

Did you know this race is the oldest road race in VA? I think this was its 52nd year. There were probably 50 people running it.

The race started at 8:30 a.m. and I told Behn to meet me at the finish line around 10, because I figured it'd take me that long. It was 30 degrees outside. Once my lungs figured out they needed to breathe in cold air, the temperature was actually nice. I didn't get hot, but felt comfortable. I stayed in the back, knowing I'd be a slower runner. I had the iPod, but figured out pretty early on that the girl in front of me was running my pace, so I struck up a conversation and we ended up talking the whole time. She was a great new friend and we encouraged each other throughout the run. We ended up finishing at the same time: 66 minutes! Which meant Behn missed seeing me finish. My fault for underestimating myself. There was fruit and pizza and an awards ceremony (I sure didn't win anything) after that.

I'm so proud of myself for running the whole 6 miles and sticking with it :) I kinda want to run another race soon. It's addicting. Plus, for a whole 66 minutes, I didn't have to do anything except enjoy myself. I can't remember the last time I got to do that.

Boy was I sore on Sunday!!


  1. Congrats! I'm jealous!! I want to get back into running but did not before this pregnancy...maybe in the spring!

  2. kickass!! yes, more races you must race!


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