Last First Holiday
This is Graham's last first holiday- soon he'll be 1 year old! Last year we stayed up in Lex because I was really pregnant, but this year we got to go to the Cathey (my parents) house in Maryland. Unfortunately, we failed at getting a family picture! The family included Mom and Dad, my brothers Aaron, Tim and Stephen, Hannah and her boyfriend Ben, Grandma and Grandpa, and some church friends. Here are some shots of the day:
Graham snacking on some Thanksgiving green beans.
Pretty much right after this pic was taken, Graham started whining and wanted out of his highchair. He crawled around while we ate. I'm hoping next year is a little more peaceful and he cooperates. I know he's been overwhelmed with all the goings-on the past few days, which has made him more clingy than usual.
Attempt at a family picture. Graham is mid-clap.
Best shot we could get.
Thanksgiving hockey. Forget football! (note the baby playing as well)
I've been learning so much about thanksgiving lately. Reading One Thousand Gifts really changed my heart about how thanksgiving should be constant and automatic...a flow of praise to God, even in hard circumstances. Some days I remember to be more thankful than others. The good news is, my salvation isn't based on how much I remember to offer eucharisteo. And so I'm praying for a more thankful heart, as I take time to write down all the things He's given me, with open hands and a grateful heart.
So Thanksgiving day was great. Glad to celebrate with husband and son and siblings and parents and grandparents. Glad no one in our family is deployed this year. Glad 4 babies have been born and are growing up healthy. Glad for food and home and clean water and freedom to pray and worship.
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