Orphan Sunday

Today is Orphan Sunday. We haven't been to church yet this morning, but I don't think our church is doing anything for Orphan Sunday...bummer. I just found out about Orphan Sunday a week ago, and wish I had known earlier because I definitely would have tried to do something at church to bring awareness to the worldwide orphan crisis in our local body of Christ.

Anway, last night Behn and I watched this film from Cry of the Orphan. It wass really great; well-written and I especially loved that:
1. They talked about kids in the U.S. Foster Care System, as well as orphans around the globe.
2. They said that God doesn't call everyone to adopt, but that He does call every Christian to care for orphans in some way.
3. They profiled 2 teenagers who made a huge difference by bringing awareness about orphans to their schools- how awesome is that?

Good little film, and maybe next year I can show it to more people in my community.

Behn and I are continuing to pray as to how to respond, and that God will prepare our hearts for the future.


  1. Praying for you on your journey. We have been trying to pursue foster care, but it isn't moving very quickly. Going to pursue it more actively in the new year, as God leads.

  2. our church didn't have anything either and I'm praying about how to get something started next year! :) praying that God leads you in how you can serve in this area! :)

  3. Sounds amazing and I pray that God leads you in whatever direction He wills, and I am inspired that you feel called to adopt!


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