Snow Day/Sick Day

It finally snowed!

All winter we've been waiting. We've been envious when the storms pass just north of us. And yesterday it was our turn. Perfect white flakes adorning the sky, fluttering to branches and grass, and landing gracefully. It snowed all afternoon and into the night. It was a perfect wet snow, so that it frosted the limbs of the trees and revealed their every detail. This morning when I woke up and looked at the bright sun on the white earth, the word that came to mind was 'enchanting.'

Graham, however, did not get to enjoy this only snow. He came down with a high fever on Saturday night. Behn and I had duties at church on Sunday and Tylenol'd Graham, hoping it was a teething fever (he did indeed cut a tooth this weekend.) But it was not a teething fever and we knew it. He was miserable yesterday, insisting on being held and cuddled (no problem there. Love cuddling my boy). The fever raged on whenever the medicine wore out. Last night was awful.

This morning we were able to get him into our beloved doctor. It's just a virus and will run it's course. I'm thankful Frankie wasn't coming today anyway. That worked out. I'm thankful for our doctor and for Tylenol and that really, if G took a turn for the worse, we could take him to a hospital. I'm grateful he has free health insurance. I know that every single day, lots and lots of kids DIE from preventable diseases. I cannot imagine being helpless and hopeless and watching my child suffer and be taken from me. The agony those parents must feel. Or, kids who don't have parents, get sick and die. Alone, or in a stranger's care. That is reason #1001 why we must adopt.

I'm hoping Graham will feel better this afternoon and we can go play in what's left of the snow that is rapidly melting. If not, there'll be snow again sometime :)


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