Having a Little Fun

I haven't been the most fun mommy/babysitter the past few months. I don't love it about myself, but as soon as the holidays were over, the winter blues seemed to set in. The days are loooooong and so, so monotonous. Days when we can get out of the house are better than the days we're stuck here (sharing the car with Behn has been a challenge). These 2 boys get into everything, and I find myself saying 'no,' 'don't,' and 'stop it' more than I'd like to admit. And it's been a mild winter, but it's not like you can frolic around in a sundress or t-shirt. We still have to bundle up most days. It's just been....blah...lately.

I always thought once I had my own home, it would be a happy one. Silly expectations. Not that our days are miserable, but they could be sweeter. I wanted to be a 'fun' mom. Ready to explore, have adventures. Not just 'get through' our days.

Enough about my failures.

Today Graham had decided not to take his morning nap, so I was giving him a snack, and looked out the window. Flurries!! We've had NO snow this winter, so this was a big deal! I decided we needed to have some FUN! I grabbed Frankie out of his crib (he wasn't napping anyway) and quickly bundled them up so we could walk down the lane in the snow:

The flurries only lasted a few minutes. Then they scampered around the yard, playing with sticks, walnuts, buckets, and climbing on tree stumps. We do this most days. They love to be outside, but we don't stay out long because they try to divide and conquer me. One heads down the hill and the other towards the road. And they are fast. Eventually I give up the chase and just make them both back in the house. It's always good for them to be out of the house a little though.

So, we had a little fun and maybe we'll have some more fun later too! After naps. LOVE naps.....


  1. Lol...the mental image of trying to chase TWO toddlers around outside made me laugh! Having one very fast one is bad enough! Even if it does not feel to you like you are "fun" or "having adventures", remember that to them an adventure is discovering a crunchy cracker under the high chair, dancing to some music, or climbing into a an old cardboard box. Just love on them as you stagger through the day and they will think you're the greatest. =) Mothering is hard!!

  2. i know what you mean meg, gotta get outta these ruts together!


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