A Saturday Morning

I guess February is not our best month for blogging. Hope to have more interesting posts up soon.

It's only 11 a.m., but we've had a sweet little Saturday morning. Behn got up with G at 6:30 so I could sleep, so that was a treat. After I got up, we all went out. I could kick myself for not remembering the camera, but I'll write it out anyway. First we got fresh coffee and donuts at this adorable little cafe in Lexington called Pure Eats. It's a new place and has that diner feel, but a small menu. Only donuts and coffee for breakfast, and only burgers, fries, and shakes for lunch/dinner, with an occasional special on a soup thrown into the mix. The best part is, everything is from the local farmers! (The beef and other ingredients they use, as much as can be bought locally.) Love supporting our small town and farmers. While we were in there, every person was so kindly greeted, often by name, by the owners. It's just that great small-town, friendly feel. No matter where we end up, I don't think we will ever live in such a cute, quaint town as Lexington. I'm counting each day here as a blessing.

The we took Graham to a dog agility trial at the Horse Center. Graham loves dogs! Unfortunately we were nearing his naptime, but he sat and watched in awe for a little while before getting antsy. It was actually really cool there. I've never seen a competition like that: dog jumping over hurdles and running through tunnels, etc. I can't wait to get G a dog in a few years. I think a boy should grow up with a dog. Or a girl, for that matter. I want my kids to love animals!

So now we're home, G's asleep and I have stuff to do (procrastinating big time!)

P.S. Just to record for my own memory, Graham learned to say 'uh-oh.' This is usually in the context of purposefully dropping his food on the floor like a naughty boy, but it's still cute. He also said 'cracker' several times this week when requesting a cracker :)


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