Graham in the Snow

We are way overdue for some pictures.

First off, Frankie and Graham in a box. I like to keep them contained. Just kidding ;-) As if a cardboard box could contain them.
 This is how Graham spent the one snow day of the year. Poor boy. I loved the cuddles though! 
What I do not love is my couch. It's been my heart's desire for a new couch for some time. Trying to be patient about it!
 Winter wonderland:
 The next day the snow was melting fast, so even though G was still running a little fever, I gave him Tylenol and bundled him up. He was happy to be outside, he'd been pointing to the door all day.

 My child is really, really cute in person. But if you so dare to pull out a camera, he puts ALL his effort into looking away from it. He's a STINKER!! Not photogenic at all. But I caught a smile...
" Mmmm, kind of tasty." Don't eat the yellow snow, Graham.
 Toddler footprints in the snow. That's just sweet.
I'm glad I took him out in the snow, even if it was only for 30 minutes, because soon it was gone. Today is like spring and we're loving that too!!


  1. So sweet! One thing I miss about the north...we have not had a bit of snow here this year=(

  2. I'm glad he enjoyed the snow even feeling a bit under the weather! He's so cute!!! (Isaac hates getting his picture taken.. I force it on him... haha!)

  3. cutie in his lil blue snow outfit :)


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