BIG Family Announcement!!!

I've been yearning to write this post for a month now...

Baby #2 is on the way!! 

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

This baby is a surprise to us, but what a sweet surprise. After our brief struggle with PCOS and infertility to get Graham, we were shocked to found out I was expecting again.

The story: I was feeling nauseous a day or two before we went to Greensboro and also while we were there. I jokingly said I might be pregnant, but really didn't believe that at all. After all, we weren't 'trying' to get pregnant and definitely not on any fertility drugs. We had discussed trying to have another baby later in the year, but not yet.

On my birthday Behn had a phone interview. I was extremely tired and emotional all day, plus not feeling well. I decided it was worth the $9 to go get a pregnancy test (WHY do they cost so much??). But as the day ended, I decided not to take it. If I found out I was pregnant that night, I wouldn't be able to sleep and I NEEDED to sleep, so I put it off til morning. 

The next morning...boy was I surprised!! I didn't really think I was pregnant. I kept the news to myself for a few minutes and when Behn got up and had his coffee, I casually picked up our Christmas card (with a picture of the 3 of us on it) and said, 'This is a cute picture, but I think it'll look pretty different next Christmas." Behn didn't get it at all and said, "Yeah, maybe you'll be pregnant and there will be a baby bump in the picture." I kept on insisting that the picture would most likely be VERY different, but Behn didn't catch my drift, so finally I just told him the news. We were thrilled, but I'll be honest, it took us a few days to digest the idea of a new baby. We are sort of in a transition right now, waiting to hear about Behn getting a new job. But as the news soaked in, we just were more and more thrilled! Another baby to grow and love and cherish. Life is a gift!

Going to the doctor last week and again this week has brought such a flood of wonderful memories and emotions. And getting to see that baby yesterday- beautiful! Precious little heartbeat :)

I'm due September 12th. Graham and the baby will be 21 months apart.

I've been feeling well, overall. The nausea wasn't really that bad and the fatigue has largely passed. I'm already having lots of cravings and eating more this time than I did with Graham. Because of this, I think I'm having a girl. This pregnancy just feels different.

So, there's our big announcement. I've been ready to burst with the happy news! 


  1. That's awesome! We'll be praying you and your little family along.. :)

  2. Congrats to you and your family! I can't believe how close our due dates are (I'm due the 15th)! Praying that you have a healthy, uneventful pregnancy.

  3. Congratulations, Megan and Behn! How delightful that your family is growing. I find it amazing that the joy of bringing a child into the world can be a surprise. When I hear of infertility struggles, it makes me think how amazing it is that any of us can bring babies here so easily. God is great!

    I enjoyed hearing your story of telling Behn. Before we had kids, I dreamed up cute ways I would tell my husband. But as it is now, I always had him by my side when I tested so I never got to use those cute plans I had.

    (We use dollar store tests. They are a little different, but have worked well for us.)


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