Graham in the Snow
We are way overdue for some pictures. First off, Frankie and Graham in a box. I like to keep them contained. Just kidding ;-) As if a cardboard box could contain them. This is how Graham spent the one snow day of the year. Poor boy. I loved the cuddles though! What I do not love is my couch. It's been my heart's desire for a new couch for some time. Trying to be patient about it! Winter wonderland: The next day the snow was melting fast, so even though G was still running a little fever, I gave him Tylenol and bundled him up. He was happy to be outside, he'd been pointing to the door all day. Smurf: My child is really, really cute in person. But if you so dare to pull out a camera, he puts ALL his effort into looking away from it. He's a STINKER!! Not photogenic at all. But I caught a smile... " Mmmm, kind of tasty." Don't eat the yellow snow, Graham. Toddler footprints in the snow. That's just sweet. I'm...