
Showing posts from February, 2012

Graham in the Snow

We are way overdue for some pictures. First off, Frankie and Graham in a box. I like to keep them contained. Just kidding ;-) As if a cardboard box could contain them.  This is how Graham spent the one snow day of the year. Poor boy. I loved the cuddles though!  What I do not love is my couch. It's been my heart's desire for a new couch for some time. Trying to be patient about it!  Winter wonderland:  The next day the snow was melting fast, so even though G was still running a little fever, I gave him Tylenol and bundled him up. He was happy to be outside, he'd been pointing to the door all day. Smurf:  My child is really, really cute in person. But if you so dare to pull out a camera, he puts ALL his effort into looking away from it. He's a STINKER!! Not photogenic at all. But I caught a smile... " Mmmm, kind of tasty." Don't eat the yellow snow, Graham.  Toddler footprints in the snow. That's just sweet. I'm...

BIG Family Announcement!!!

I've been yearning to write this post for a month now... Baby #2 is on the way!!  Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! This baby is a surprise to us, but what a sweet surprise. After our brief struggle with PCOS and infertility to get Graham, we were shocked to found out I was expecting again. The story: I was feeling nauseous a day or two before we went to Greensboro and also while we were there. I jokingly said I might be pregnant, but really didn't believe that at all. After all, we weren't 'trying' to get pregnant and definitely not on any fertility drugs. We had discussed trying to have another baby later in the year, but not yet. On my birthday Behn had a phone interview. I was extremely tired and emotional all day, plus not feeling well. I decided it was worth the $9 to go get a pregnancy test (WHY do they cost so much??). But as the day ended, I decided not to take it. If I found out I was pregnant that night, I wouldn't be able ...

Snow Day/Sick Day

It finally  snowed! All winter we've been waiting. We've been envious when the storms pass just north of us. And yesterday it was our turn. Perfect white flakes adorning the sky, fluttering to branches and grass, and landing gracefully. It snowed all afternoon and into the night. It was a perfect wet snow, so that it frosted the limbs of the trees and revealed their every detail. This morning when I woke up and looked at the bright sun on the white earth, the word that came to mind was 'enchanting.' Graham, however, did not get to enjoy this only snow. He came down with a high fever on Saturday night. Behn and I had duties at church on Sunday and Tylenol'd Graham, hoping it was a teething fever (he did indeed cut a tooth this weekend.) But it was not a teething fever and we knew it. He was miserable yesterday, insisting on being held and cuddled (no problem there. Love cuddling my boy). The fever raged on whenever the medicine wore out. Last night was awful. T...

A Saturday Morning

I guess February is not our best month for blogging. Hope to have more interesting posts up soon. It's only 11 a.m., but we've had a sweet little Saturday morning. Behn got up with G at 6:30 so I could sleep, so that was a treat. After I got up, we all went out. I could kick myself for not remembering the camera, but I'll write it out anyway. First we got fresh coffee and donuts at this adorable little cafe in Lexington called Pure Eats. It's a new place and has that diner feel, but a small menu. Only donuts and coffee for breakfast, and only burgers, fries, and shakes for lunch/dinner, with an occasional special on a soup thrown into the mix. The best part is, everything is from the local farmers! (The beef and other ingredients they use, as much as can be bought locally.) Love supporting our small town and farmers. While we were in there, every person was so kindly greeted, often by name, by the owners. It's just that great small-town, friendly feel. No matter w...


This weekend has been perfect (except for the freeeeezing temps!). No agenda. Few commitments. Family time, movie time, lunch at a restaurant, great conversations, worship, and rest. Even a nap, which is extremely rare for me. I needed every minute of this break of a weekend. So did Behn. And Graham, picking up on the happiness and peacefulness of his parents, has been as lovely as ever. What a sweet respite in the business and stress of life. Thank You, Lord! Blessed be your name! P.S. Side note: I'm done breastfeeding Graham! Tonight if he wakes up, he gets a bottle of whole milk. He loves his bottle and has only been breastfeeding 1-2 times in 24 hours anyway, so it's been an easy transition. I'm ready to be done! It was so special and I'm thrilled I did it this long. So healthy for us both :) All good things must come to an end. I'm FREE!!

Having a Little Fun

I haven't been the most fun mommy/babysitter the past few months. I don't love it about myself, but as soon as the holidays were over, the winter blues seemed to set in. The days are loooooong and so, so monotonous. Days when we can get out of the house are better than the days we're stuck here (sharing the car with Behn has been a challenge). These 2 boys get into everything, and I find myself saying 'no,' 'don't,' and 'stop it' more than I'd like to admit. And it's been a mild winter, but it's not like you can frolic around in a sundress or t-shirt. We still have to bundle up most days. It's just been....blah...lately. I always thought once I had my own home, it would be a happy one. Silly expectations. Not that our days are miserable, but they could be sweeter. I wanted to be a 'fun' mom. Ready to explore, have adventures. Not just 'get through' our days. Enough about my failures. Today Graham had decided ...


The blog's been quiet...but not because there's nothing going on, but because there's stuff going on that we don't feel ready to post about yet. One of those big items is Behn's job search. Behn has a job here in Virginia, and for that we are so grateful. Lots of people don't have jobs in this economy. But the job doesn't really provide enough for our family. This past year has been a test of faith; faith that at time has faltered and sometimes been strong. In it all, God has been working. We absolutely know that the Spirit's work does not depend on the measure of our faith- thank God for that! And this year has been a time to see God provide for our needs when we didn't know how He would. Character-building, witness-building, and humbling. Behn will be done his Master's degree this summer and has been looking for new work in which he can utilize that degree and have more income. Last week, he had a in-person interview in Maryland, in the same ...