Giving Thanks for More Appliances

I am in a cranky and ungrateful mood right now.

But I looked back at some of my old posts and enjoyed reading about God's faithfulness in Another Appliance Story and The Chest Freezer Story. It reminded me that I haven't relayed how God recently gave us some more undeserved but much-needed gifts.

Our dryer broke again. I think we've been through 5 old, stinky dryers over the years we've been married. Sometimes one will last a year or so, then break and if Behn can't fix it then someone will give us or sell us another. Anyway, our dryer broke. And this time we couldn't fix it and so we just started hanging our stuff to dry (which I like to do anyway). I threw it out there on Facebook that we were looking for a used dryer, but after an hour I took the post down because I felt like I was whining or complaining. Just before I took the post down, someone from our church saw it and a few minutes later overheard her co-worker saying "I am moving and need to give my washer and dryer away because I don't want to take them with me." And so, a couple of weeks later, Behn picked up our free almost brand new washer and dryer. God provides.

This house didn't have a dishwasher. It was something we conceded in the purchase of the home and we figured someday when we had the money, we would get one. So, for a year, we washed dishes by hand. It really wasn't so bad. To even have running water is a privilege. Then one day, I had a friend from church over for some company and mentioned to her that we didn't have a dishwasher. She jumped out of her chair and ran to the kitchen to look at our space. "Megan, I was just about to post our portable dishwasher on Craigslist. I think it would fit nicely here- would you like to try it?" she said. And so, with some bartering for childcare and a quick fix of adding an extra washer to the nozzle (my father-in-law helped with that), we found ourselves with a lovely dishwasher. God provides.

I never want to forget these lean times where He gave us just enough- what we need for this day. He is faithful and good.


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