Now He's Two

Patrick's Birth

Patrick Turns 1

Another year, and my littlest boy is now 2. It's funny to think  that 2 years ago I was holding a tiny baby in my arms after a crazy birth. It feels like a long time ago.

Patrick is an optimistic, amiable person. He's just so easy to love and laugh with. He's a great brother to Graham: they play and wrestle and laugh and fight. They complement one another perfectly, a God-given bond. Patrick is a tractor-truck-bulldozer lover. If it has wheels, he likes it. He also loves sports, especially hockey. We gave him 2 hockey books as his gift and he asked us to read them over and over. Patrick is a good eater, and other than being an early-riser, a good sleeper. He's so active and can talk very well. He pretty much uses some complete (short) sentences and can tell us what he needs and even make jokes. Patrick is fearless and I often find him perched on high furniture. He's also tiny but fast. And he copies everything Graham says and does. He so loves his big brother.

Patrick just makes us happy. His baby cheeks are still chubby and his curly blonde hair is darling.

We celebrated him with a very small gathering and cake. I 'made' the easiest cake possible: bought a cake, crumbled oreos on it, and tossed a truck on top.

The mischievous brothers kept sneaking oreo crumbs off the top.

Patch seemed pleased with it :)

Look at his grin!

This little guy sure is a gift. Happy 2nd birthday, Patrick! You are loved more than you'll ever know!


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