
Not sure exactly what a Liebster is...but my friend Amanda @ wandering on purpose nominated me, so here I am. I'm going to tell you 5 facts about myself, then nominate 5 others for the Liebster. goes!

1. I used to drive a pick-up truck. An 87 Chevy with a big ol' engine. I thought I was hot-diggety driving that thang. This is when I was 20 and living in Missouri for college. I drove it home to Delaware with my mama after I graduated. That thing was really cool, honestly. I ditched it when I started commuting to University of Delaware because it was bad on gas. I still miss it though...

2. I love to travel. I love seeing new places, cultures and people. I've been to England, Scotland, Bahamas, Spain, Bermuda, Mexico, and Ukraine. And several of the United States. So far.

3. I really, really love riding horses and miss it so much! I am looking forward to the day that I have the opportunity to ride again!

4. Once my best friend Kiri and I went hiking and back country camping in Shenandoah State Park for a few days. In the middle of the night the 2nd night, we woke up to the terrifying sounds of BEARS poking around our tent. We laid there frozen for about an hour while they sniffed and dug around, but thankfully they eventually got bored and scampered off.

5. I majored in Human Services at UD. I specifically studied adoption and foster care and did my internships in that field. It really helped light the fire I feel for orphan care and Behn and I are looking forward to the time when we can be more actively involved in this calling.

Ok, so that's a little about me! Not much to it. I'm nominating these fine friends. (Friends, feel free to go ahead and complete your Liebster blog or to skip it, if you're not into it.)

1. Jen @ Polliwog in a blog
2. Sara @ Sincerely Sara
3.Emily @ Emily Running Wild  (Emily, you need to update or start a new blog. please :) I miss your blogging, sister)
4. Jess @ The Middle Kingdom
5. Lindsey @ The Coquere

Happy blogging!


  1. Awww thanks, Meg! I loved reading these fun facts about you, and I miss seeing you in class at UD!

  2. It is fun to get a peak of who you are friends with and who you read!

    1. Oh good! I'm glad you are enjoying that. I so nearly put you in this list, LR, but wasn't sure if you wanted to keep your blog more private? But I can add you if you want to participate!

    2. You are so sweet, Meg. Yes, I do generally stay more private ;)


  3. Looking forward to checking out your friends' blogs.
    Curious where you went to school in Missouri since I have now lived here 1/3 of my life.

    1. I went to Cottey College in small Nevada, MO. About an hourish north of Joplin :) I was there 2 years.

  4. Ooo! Thank you for nominating me! :) I think I'll go ahead and do a post for this sometime soon. I'm also not really sure what all these awards really mean. But the last one I got generated a lot of traffic on my blog, so I guess that's a good enough reason for them! :-P

    I always enjoy reading yours Meg! :)


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