Greensboro Recap

Okay, so I need to catch up a bit!

2 weekends ago we headed on down to Greensboro again to celebrate Emily's birthday and meet up with Luke, Jess, and Lily.

On Saturday we surprised Emmy by getting there early and enjoyed pizza at Mellow Mushroom. That place was trippy. The pizza was really good, but you really do feel like you're at a hippie joint, complete with background music sung by someone who was clearly very high on weed life. It was a fun little outing though. Then we did pool and, later, baseball game! Greensboro Grasshoppers, baby!

The next day we worshiped at Emily and Seth's new church and met up with Luke, Jess and Lilybug. During the afternoon, the guys cooked out for the girls and then we all had a picnic lunch.

That night, after the babies were down, we had a little ice cream cake in honor of the Birthday Lady. We stayed up late chatting and laughing. I think that was my favorite part; just being with the people I love.

The next morning, the ladies went out for a unfortunate breakfast (you had to be there, but be glad you weren't) and then a little shopping while the men watched the kids :). Then, we swapped with the guys and they went out for a while. We headed home that evening.

All in all, a very pleasant weekend enjoying family time.


  1. love the recap!! mellow mushroom is trippy but too good to pass up!


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