Chores I'd Rather Do... + Graham-isms

I should be posting about whether Graham is getting a brother or sister, because we found out this morning! And I will later! But for now, I'm putting off chores.

  • I'd rather water the garden than mop the floor.
  • I'd rather cook dinner than do laundry.
  • I'd rather sweep the floor than do dishes.
  • I'd rather never have to clean the stovetop or the refrigerator.
  • I'd rather bake bread than write a grocery list.
Luckily, I just mopped the other day and laundry is pretty caught up. Everything else needs to be done though! Ah!

Real quick- some cute Grahamisms.
  • The other night as I was rocking him, I said a prayer over him, as usual. But for some reason I decided to whisper it instead of speak it out loud. Graham looked up at me and started 'whispering!' I loved it. Of course, he was whispering jibberish, made no sense. But so cute nonetheless.
  • Today my friend watched G while I was at the ultrasound. When I picked him up, I forgot his blanket that he sleeps with and didn't notice until naptime. Uh-oh. Behn had the 4Runner because the other crud-mobile won't start, so I couldn't go get it. Graham was cute, asking for his 'da-da.' (He oddly calls his blanket da-da. I have no idea why.) I said I was sorry and explained to him that it was all gone for now, but we'd get it later. My precious boy settled for another blanket and fell asleep like a champ. Love that kid.
  • He's finally been sleeping well at night! It only took him 16 months to figure it out, haha! Night-weaning (no bottle, and of course no nursing since that's long over) really helped. There's just no reason for him to wake up anymore, and when he does he only needs a quick cuddle and then he's back to sleep til morning.
 I need to post pics of this kid. I will, promise. I'll take some today. And make the announcement about the new baby!!


  1. Congrats on having your baby sleeping well through the night! My first was easy I thought and sleeping well at 6mo, but my second did take more time than that. Enjoy all your rest before baby comes! How are you feeling? Do you feel any of that second trimester energy?

    1. Thank you, I am so glad he's able to sleep better now. I am loving sleeping (fairly) well at night. I feel pretty energetic- as much as one can while chasing toddlers, haha! Not looking forward to the heat this summer, but I have lots of fun maternity sundresses to wear.


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