
Showing posts from October, 2011

Leaves 'n Pumpkins

Not every weekend is as relaxing and nice as this one was. Usually Behn has more studying to do and sometimes I have to work. But this weekend was just right- laid back with few plans. It was so refreshing! Behn gave the jack-o-lantern 1 tooth one top, just like G has :) Grateful for a weekend of simple memories with my guys.

October Snow and Home Part 3

This is what we awoke to today: How unusual to have snow so early! Of course, now it's all melted and it's sunny out. Much more like October is 'supposed' to be. But it was pretty while it lasted, the powdered sugar dusting on bright autumn leaves. Graham was intrigued. We stayed cozy for a while, skyped with Emily and Seth, and then went to Lexington for doughnuts at a new place that just opened. They were good! It was a nice morning. Remember a long, long time ago, before Graham came along, I started making posts about our home? I finally took pictures of our guest room and thought I'd post them. A guest room is a luxury but it has come in so handy, especially during the time G was born. I like this little room. It's sweet and sunny. I bought the duvet cover a while was on sale at Kohls. I bought it online and liked it when it came in the mail, but since then I realize that it's really not my 'style.' I prefer a country look. I sort of w...

Graham Attends A Birthday Party

I've never put a picture up or used the name of the other child I watch on the blog- I wasn't sure if his parents wanted me to. But over the weekend Graham got to go to his first birthday party and I took lots of pics and got permission from Frankie's mom to post them (yup, Baby F is Frankie). It was really sweet going to Frankie's 1st birthday party- after all, he and I have a pretty strong bond and Graham really loves his best bud. Frankie's party was at a farm! How fun is that?? We had a really hard time getting them both to look/smile. On a hayride. They both loved it! So much to see.. Picking a pumpkin Looking at Baby Goats with Daddy It was a fun fall day. Graham really does love Frankie. Every morning when Frankie gets here, Graham is all squeals and giggles. They play together, fight, wake each other up, and get into trouble together. Basically, they're like brothers. Sweet little boys that keep me on my toes. Speaking of which, I should go now bec...

Perfect Autumn

This week has been just amazing Autumn weather. First warm and sunny, then rainy, and now cool and bright. Everytime I see the array of colors on the hills and mountains, so close you could almost touch them, I think, "We'll never live anywhere as beautiful as here." It really is amazing how creative God is. He could've just made the trees drop their leaves green, but instead we (and He) get to enjoy the unfolding of the season and splendor of creation. I'm also enjoying watching the flocks of birds passing through. While we are spending lots of time outside, Graham is also enjoying playing inside. He loves our keyboard. I think he's musical. Look how tall he is! He also loves the new rocking horse from Nana and PopPop. So fun! He and Baby F have been fighting over it, it's just so popular. This morning I had been out of the house for a while and Behn was on daddy duty. As I walked up to the house, I saw Graham's little face light up through the wind...

10 Months Old and Weekend in Maryland

Graham is now 10 months old!! A currently very cranky 10-month old at that. Where did my happy little boy go? He'll be back, he's just growing teeth right now :) At 10 month Graham: Says 'dadada,' 'na', 'ga,' 'ba,' 'ka', 'ma.' etc. These noises spontaneously errupted about 2 weeks ago. Claps his hands Waves goodbye (when he feels like it) Plays "So big!" (when he feels like it) Cut his first tooth! It's a big one on the top and is barely poking out, but is causing all kinds of misery, nasty diapers, and clingyness. The other top one and 2 bottom ones are also right under the gum. ouch! Loves his blue blanket. Cute to see how he snuggles with it. He's a sweetie and I know this (cutting teeth) is just a phase. I'm looking forward to these teeth being in and him going back to being his easy-going self. We spent the weekend at my parent's house in MD. It was fun, as always. We missed seeing Grandma and Grandp...

Adoption Post

There are some days that I feel that longing to feel another little child kicking me inside. Or days that I wish we could begin filling out the mountain of paperwork involved in an adoption. And then God reminds me (very clearly) that I need to be faithful with what He has given me- a sweet little boy who needs love, attention, and for his heart to be pointed to Christ. I've also been given the responsibility to care for another little one for 45 hours a week. I need to not only care for his physical needs but also teach him to share and make him laugh and also point his little heart to Christ. These are huge responsibilities! They are enough for now. And sometimes I wonder why I never was able to get a job in foster care/adoption, like my heart desired. Seton Villa was the closest I got, and it was wonderful but short-lived. Graduating college in a recession was part of that, and moving was part of that and having Graham was part of that. So I ask myself, how can I advocate for th...

Rainy Day

It's so peaceful, at the moment. Just got the 2 stinkers down for a nap, and am enjoying the quiet sound of the rain. Graham has been challenging lately. He has 4(!!!) teeth coming in, all at once. I guess because he is teething late, they are all trying to pop out at once. The 2 on the top are pretty close now. He's been miserable much of the time. He's ok when he's occupied with playmates (grandparents, daddy, aunt Hannah, Baby F, or other friends), but when he sees that I'm nearby he's very clingy and fussy. Poor kid! The nights have been awful, but we Tylenol'd up the past 2 nights and that helped. Running has been going well! I've taken the boys in the double stroller 3x and went once on my own. It feels so good and I know I'm getting stronger. If the rain stops later, I'm going to aim for a 3-mile run. Only 3 1/2 weeks left (I think) until I'll need to be up to 6. Still praying for family members who are having health problems...especia...

Not Always So Peachy

We had a great weekend and we're so thankful. I try to keep the blog pretty upbeat and unemotional. But gosh, today I have 2 close family members having medical procedures being done. And just in general, there are a lot of trials going on in our families currently. Praying on their behalf, that God's glory will be shown and we'll all trust in His goodness and sovereignty. I love this verse, often only used around Christmas: "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to whom His favor rests." -Luke 2:14 So we do pray for peace for our loved ones and give God the glory!

Special Visitors and Going On A Date

We had some special visitors here this weekend... Grandmom and Grandpop Trader! My silly boy Oh man, we had the best day on Saturday! Since Behn's parents were visiting, we had free babysitters! Behn and I took advantage of this wonderful arrangement and spent the beautiful afternoon hiking Bluff Mountain. It could not have been more lovely and refreshing. There's something about mountains. I almost didn't want to come down. It was so golden and peaceful up there...perfect skies...colors on the trees...and so very quiet. I just love God so much for making such sanctuaries as this. What a masterful Creator! And then in the evening we went to our first movie since G was born. We saw The Help at Hull's Drive-In. It was really fun just to get away for a few hours. I felt like we were a giddy dating couple again! Thanks for all your love, Mom and Dad T!

Megan's Top 8 Ways to Save Money on Food

Let's be honest, food is necessary but expensive . Here are my favorite ways to save some bucks: 1. Go vegetarian when possible. Rice and beans can be dressed up in so many delicious ways! Vegetable stew with beef gravy is just as good as beef stew. 2. Coupons. Obviously. Some stores even offer digital coupons you can download onto your store discount card. And along with that, look for sales and buy the store brand instead of name brand. 3. Take cash only. It's way less tempting to throw extra stuff in your cart when you think about how humiliating it'll be at check-out when you don't have enough money... 4. Make you own bread. Ok, this isn't a huge money saver once you buy the flour, yeast, butter, sugar, etc. But it tastes (and smells) WAY better. And it's EASY! 5. Eat up your leftovers. And if you buy an odd ingredient for a meal and don't use all of it, find another recipe to utilize that ingredient. 6. Take 2 little boys with you to the store. Because ...

On Running, Friends, and Cool Weather

As I sit here blogging, Graham is next to me enjoying a Graham cracker :) There's a 10K (6 mile) race coming up in November- the Lexington to Buena Vista 10K- the oldest footrace in Virginia. I remember seeing people running it last year when I was 7 1/2 months pregnant and wishing I could run with them. I really miss running! I just don't have time for it anymore, not with 2 babies to watch all day everyday, plus all my evenings full with either mine or Behn's obligations. Back in May/June I started getting up early to run and worked my way back to 4 miles, but then the weather got hot and I got more busy and that was that. A while ago, a friend offered to let me borrow her double jogging stroller. I didn't take her up on it at the time, but when I was reminded about the upcoming 10K I thought it would be fun to start running again now that the weather is cool. Behn and I picked up the stroller last night, it looks kinda like this: So, once the flat tires are filled a...