How Does My Garden Grow- Midsummer Update

Is it just me and Behn, or is summer just dragggging on? It seems like it's been hot...forever. It's been an ok summer overall, but Behn has had to work really hard in his summer courses (he's getting A's, of course!). And the routine of every day- naps, feedings, intercepting little ones from crawling into danger, etc- just seems to make the days long and monotonous. And Baby F and Graham are into everything. Baby F is particularly speedy and Graham is right behind him. Little troublemakers ;-)

But I'm rambling.

The vegetable garden is not doing so well these days. Insects bored holes in the the stems of my squash, pumpkin, and I suspect my cucumbers. My beans have also died. Maybe I haven't watered enough. It stinks not having the garden in our yard (per landlord's decree) because carrying water to the field everyday is a lot of work.

On the bright side, the tomatoes, herbs, and peppers are doing well! I canned some tomatoes this morning. Perhaps I'll use them for chili this fall. I'm going to pull up the weed cloth in the areas where the veggies have died, aeriate the soil, fertilize, and hopefully plant a small fall crop of radishes and beets.

My flower beds, though, have been fun. The flowers grew nicely and I love to go look at them. Plus, they're next to the house- easy watering. When I was at Aunt Jeanne's a few weeks ago, we found several wild rose bushes growing in the woods. She dug up 2 of them and sent them with me. I cut then back and planted them, hoping they would make it. What leaves were left wilted, turned brown and died...but I kept watering! And guess what? They've made a comeback! I don't know if they'll bloom again this year, but they look healthy and thriving. So fun to see them doing well!


  1. Summer IS dragging - 108 here today without the heat index. sigh.
    My goal is to someday have a veggie garden. I do not have a green thumb tho'.


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