100th Post

I figured it was time for a little blog by me, Behn, and what better time than when I can contribute the "100th post" to Wayfaring Strangers???

I'm a guy that is not by any means long-winded, and hence, I keep things short and to the point. I guess you could say I take after my dad. So I'll be to the point here....this summer has been a challenging one. Yesterday, I turned in my SLIS 5080 final and unofficially ended my first half of graduate school through UNT. My two classes were thought-provoking and interesting, but 5080 stretched me about as far as I could go without breaking. It was a research methods and statistics course, and math has never really been a problem for me.....but, summer sessions tend to be a bit on the intense side. Modules, Projects, Midterms, Quizzes, Finals.....the pressure of graduate-level education during the blistering hot days of summer, the responsibilities of being a branch manager of a small but busy library, and of course being a husband and father. Yes, this summer was a growing experience for all of us. I am thankful that I was able to do well this summer, and I'm looking forward to a nice 3-week break before fall classes start. A year from now I will, Lord-willing, be walking across the stage to receive my diploma. That isn't far away, really.

I didn't jump on here just to ramble, but to give an update on everything that has been going on with me this summer. It's been busy and a daily challenge, but I look forward to the future of my family and what God has in store for us. I know that we will look back on this particular summer and see it as a character and faith building experience. I've realized that God doesn't give anyone more than they can handle....I've truly learned to rely on Him for all of my family's needs, and to carry us through this challenging period of our lives.

I'm looking forward to a nice little vacation in the next couple weeks here, spending time with family back home, and relaxing a bit before starting Year Two of my graduate program.

Thanks for reading,



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