Busy Bee

Today I'm a busy bee! Well, except for stopping to blog for a minute. We're going to Delaware tonight to visit family and friends for a week! Thankfully Behn took the day off to help me do laundry, pack, and that other thing I do...oh yeah, watch babies (who are constantly underfoot).

It's been an eventful week. Monday Behn was sick with a bad cold. My good, good friends Kiri and Dee arrived for a visit Monday evening. Tuesday, Graham woke up sick with Behn's cold. That didn't stop us from enjoying the day with my friends though! We took a walk at Boxerwood and then had a delicious lunch at a cafe. By Tuesday afternoon, I was coming down with the cold. We still enjoyed grilling out and having a little bonfire and s'mores that evening. Kiri and Dee left Wednesday morning and I somehow made it through the day watching the boys while fighting a fever.

Anyway, we're all pretty much better now and getting ready for a MUCH NEEDED break next week!


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