April 18th Is A Very Good Day
I just love spring. The smell of fresh air, flowers and rain showers, the warmth of the sun on my skin, the sounds of all the birds chirping and singing. And April 18 is just the perfect spring day. Last year on April 18th, we found out that we were parents. We found out that our cries to the Lord had been answered and that there was a little human being growing inside of me. We didn't know if it was a boy or a girl, we didn't know his name. I couldn't feel him. But he was there. Last April 18th was a joyful day. A beautiful spring day, a Sunday. We worshipped our Lord in awe. Then we spent the day outside mountain biking (probably not the BEST thing to do when you're pregnant, but it wasn't a dangerous trail.) We enjoyed nature and thought of new life. I had wondered if this day would happen for us. Needless to say, I'm no Fertile Myrtle. I had started to wonder if I would need to go to a fertility specialist, something we could not afford. I wondered if I would become a biological mother, if Behn would become a biological father. After all, having biological children is not a right, it is a privilege. My mantra through this time was "What e're my God ordains is right" and my doubtful heart held fast to that phrase. So when I found out on April 18th that God had so graciously allowed me to become pregnant, I was immersed in gratitude. For us, he had ordained a child. If He had not ordained this for us, it would still be right. But He did, and now we have a little 4-month old boy that brings us so much joy. I thank God for him every day. Today is April 18th again, and guess what? We have a new reason to celebrate!! SETH IS COMING HOME TONIGHT!! What a long, harrowing year. How many times have we prayed for him, for his safety, for him to be encouraged? How many times have we lifted up Emily in prayer? Too many to count! And God is bringing him home to his family. What a joyful day it is! I can't wait to see pictures of his homecoming :) Welcome Home, Seth!!
What e're my God ordains is right.
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