How Does My Garden Grow? Part 4

The garden is progressing along! The fence is up, the weed cloth laid, deer repellent stations installed, and I planted some seeds a few days ago. I planted squash and pumpkin directly into the ground instead of starting them inside. I also planted a few beet seeds, in case the ones that I started don't work out. A tomato plant has been purchased and planted as well. Though I tried to start some tomato plants from seed in the trays, I haven't seen any evidence that they germinated. Kiri did say they can be hard to start from seed.

I'm going to transfer some of the plants that I've been growing to the garden today! I hope the shock of being put into the ground won't be too much for them, but most of them are strong and hardy. They've been outside everyday for a few weeks now, so they're used to the air and wind.

The flower bed behing the house is also starting to sprout. Cute little zinnias are beginning to peep their heads through the dirt. The sunflowers I started in trays adjusted well to being planted and are thriving. I think I'm going to make another flower bed on the side of the house. Lots of fun! Pictures to follow...


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