We've Come So Far

The last few weeks, I've been spending more time with my little nephew, Jack. He is 8-9 months old and so cute. I love that age- sitting but not yet crawling, yet very interactive. I was able to babysit him both last week and the week before.

Patrick reading to Jack:

Being around a baby makes me realize how far we've come. Now, I know my guys are only 5 and 3 (and still a bunch of work), but there is such a big contrast when paired with a baby. I have 2 big boys out of diapers. Talking. Sleeping. In preschool. Riding bikes. Building forts.We just signed Graham up for his 2nd year of t-ball. Graham is also sounding out words and doing math in his head and engineering legos. Patrick counts and sings and plays with puzzles independently.

Each stage is so fun and so challenging. When your baby won't nap or sleep at night, that is so hard. When your kid won't potty train, that is so hard. When your 5 year old still won't eat meat (ahem, Graham), that is so hard. When your kids are old enough to fight, argue, talk back, and need a lot of discipline, that is so hard (note: hardest, in my opinion). And as we see milestones hit and old challenges disappear, we celebrate. Of course, new challenges arise. Parenting is such a journey, such a marathon. I'm astonished at how much it has stretched and changed me.

And yet, I felt pride at seeing Patrick "read" to Jack. At being able to ask Graham to fetch a diaper for his cousin. We made it through the baby stuff with G and P.

Of course, the joke's on me because here we go again, in about 6-7 weeks. A new little baby boy. Starting over. I feel both seasoned and nervous. I feel confident because we've walked this before, we can do it! I know how to breastfeed, I know how to cloth diaper, I know how to kiss boo-boo's. Behn is great with babies, and he's great with his big boys. With God's grace, we will tackle all the stages and parts of parenting again. I'm nervous, because now I know how hard it is. How hard it is to be sleep deprived (and now with busy older boys who want to go to the park all the time!). How hard it is to be so needed so often. How hard it is to deal with the 1's and 2's and 3's years.  It will be different this time, because our family is different and older. We are changed.

And so, I pray for these last weeks of preparation. Pray for peace and quiet in my heart, with joy. Excited to meet this little fresh bundle.

Bonus throwback picture- little tiny boys in cloth diapers:


  1. this is really sweet meg! Can't wait to meet your little boy : )

  2. Hey, you're still blogging! I haven't seen you on facebook, I'll have to check here more often for updates :)


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