Favorite Time of Year

Ah, springtime. Windows open, St. Patrick's Day, Easter. Flowers blooming, birds chirping, garden dreaming.

My favorite time of year. I do love autumn, too. But spring is just so fresh. It wins.

The boys are outside much of the time. We are walking back to the creek, on the lookout for toads and turtles.

And they pick me flowers. I love my little, loving boys.

We all worked together to dig up some of the garden last weekend. So far we planted spinach and carrots. I bought a bunch of new seeds and am eager to get things going. I told myself not to get too ambitious- I'm about to have a baby! But it's so fun, I can't help myself.  Plus, Behn  is helping and the boys are learning so much. We will see how the garden goes this year.

My induction date is in exactly a month. Behn set up the crib, all blankets and tiny clothes are washed. Bag is packed. I'm ready to meet this little guy.

The last couple months are the hardest, especially this time. I have been experiencing Restless Leg at night, as well as the usual heartburn and body aches. I am so tired. Carrying a human is just not easy. I'm eager for him to be OUT. I'm excited to see him and nurse a baby again, and of course for Behn and Graham and Patrick to meet him.


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