Links to Love

Lately, probably since I'm off FaceBook, I've come across so many good blogposts. I just wanted to share a few here:

Letting Go Of The Family Dinner Dream at Take Heart by Danielle Burkleo- this is a new-to-me blog, but I really like her photos, writing, recipes, and prints. She has a big family- pregnant with #5!

Anyway, I really found myself nodding to this specific post because dinner around here are CRA-ZY. By 5 p.m., my 2 boys are tired and cranky and manners are all but gone (honestly, this is how I feel, as well). We are done for the day. I always thought we'd have these nice family dinners, but I am giving myself grace in this phase. They are young and we will always work on sitting down together as a family, but during the "witching hour" I need to let it go. We end up tossing food towards them and then herd them to bath and bedtime (we have a 7ish bedtime here since they are early risers). Behn and I try to eat a little while we are all together but usually end up with a 2nd or even a 1st plate of food after the boys are in bed and we can relax.

This Vintage Moment- I like her whole blog. This family lives in Canada and I enjoy reading about somewhere different. I really love how she puts so much effort into savoring each moment of life with her 2 girls, even the mundane. They travel a lot, and that's fun for me to read, as well.

Aimee Bumgarner over at Calico Moon- A friend from church turned me onto this blog last week and I proceeded to binge-read the whole thing. Mountains? Check. Chickens? Check. Cute kids? Check. Cabin? Check. I just can't get enough of the mountain, country lifestyle in the photography. I makes my heart cry a little bit for Virginia (though they live in NC).

A Garden for the House at Kevin Lee Jacobs- my aunt recommended this blog/website the other day so I haven't had enough time to go through it as I want, but I know I like it. Lots of useful garden and food tips in here.

On a more somber, but very real note, my friend Charisa posted her heart about all the persecution and sadness in the world over at For Such As These.  I just love her heart and so much of what she said are things that I've been feeling . Charisa and her husband head up Project Hopeful Awassa, Ethiopia, where we sponsor a little girl.

I may have more to add. Patrick is refusing to nap and so there are all kinds of dramatics over here. Gotta go!


  1. We call it the witching hour too. I will have to check some of these out!


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