Links to Love
Lately, probably since I'm off FaceBook, I've come across so many good blogposts. I just wanted to share a few here:
Letting Go Of The Family Dinner Dream at Take Heart by Danielle Burkleo- this is a new-to-me blog, but I really like her photos, writing, recipes, and prints. She has a big family- pregnant with #5!
Anyway, I really found myself nodding to this specific post because dinner around here are CRA-ZY. By 5 p.m., my 2 boys are tired and cranky and manners are all but gone (honestly, this is how I feel, as well). We are done for the day. I always thought we'd have these nice family dinners, but I am giving myself grace in this phase. They are young and we will always work on sitting down together as a family, but during the "witching hour" I need to let it go. We end up tossing food towards them and then herd them to bath and bedtime (we have a 7ish bedtime here since they are early risers). Behn and I try to eat a little while we are all together but usually end up with a 2nd or even a 1st plate of food after the boys are in bed and we can relax.
This Vintage Moment- I like her whole blog. This family lives in Canada and I enjoy reading about somewhere different. I really love how she puts so much effort into savoring each moment of life with her 2 girls, even the mundane. They travel a lot, and that's fun for me to read, as well.
Aimee Bumgarner over at Calico Moon- A friend from church turned me onto this blog last week and I proceeded to binge-read the whole thing. Mountains? Check. Chickens? Check. Cute kids? Check. Cabin? Check. I just can't get enough of the mountain, country lifestyle in the photography. I makes my heart cry a little bit for Virginia (though they live in NC).
A Garden for the House at Kevin Lee Jacobs- my aunt recommended this blog/website the other day so I haven't had enough time to go through it as I want, but I know I like it. Lots of useful garden and food tips in here.
On a more somber, but very real note, my friend Charisa posted her heart about all the persecution and sadness in the world over at For Such As These. I just love her heart and so much of what she said are things that I've been feeling . Charisa and her husband head up Project Hopeful Awassa, Ethiopia, where we sponsor a little girl.
I may have more to add. Patrick is refusing to nap and so there are all kinds of dramatics over here. Gotta go!
Letting Go Of The Family Dinner Dream at Take Heart by Danielle Burkleo- this is a new-to-me blog, but I really like her photos, writing, recipes, and prints. She has a big family- pregnant with #5!
Anyway, I really found myself nodding to this specific post because dinner around here are CRA-ZY. By 5 p.m., my 2 boys are tired and cranky and manners are all but gone (honestly, this is how I feel, as well). We are done for the day. I always thought we'd have these nice family dinners, but I am giving myself grace in this phase. They are young and we will always work on sitting down together as a family, but during the "witching hour" I need to let it go. We end up tossing food towards them and then herd them to bath and bedtime (we have a 7ish bedtime here since they are early risers). Behn and I try to eat a little while we are all together but usually end up with a 2nd or even a 1st plate of food after the boys are in bed and we can relax.
This Vintage Moment- I like her whole blog. This family lives in Canada and I enjoy reading about somewhere different. I really love how she puts so much effort into savoring each moment of life with her 2 girls, even the mundane. They travel a lot, and that's fun for me to read, as well.
Aimee Bumgarner over at Calico Moon- A friend from church turned me onto this blog last week and I proceeded to binge-read the whole thing. Mountains? Check. Chickens? Check. Cute kids? Check. Cabin? Check. I just can't get enough of the mountain, country lifestyle in the photography. I makes my heart cry a little bit for Virginia (though they live in NC).
A Garden for the House at Kevin Lee Jacobs- my aunt recommended this blog/website the other day so I haven't had enough time to go through it as I want, but I know I like it. Lots of useful garden and food tips in here.
On a more somber, but very real note, my friend Charisa posted her heart about all the persecution and sadness in the world over at For Such As These. I just love her heart and so much of what she said are things that I've been feeling . Charisa and her husband head up Project Hopeful Awassa, Ethiopia, where we sponsor a little girl.
I may have more to add. Patrick is refusing to nap and so there are all kinds of dramatics over here. Gotta go!
We call it the witching hour too. I will have to check some of these out!