The Girl Who Loved Horses

Ever since I was about 10, I loved horses and riding. I rode all throughout my childhood and teenager years and quite a bit in college. Then I got married and real life began and we were broke and we moved and had babies. Horses had to go on the back burner. I've missed it ever since, but other than the occasional riding lesson, I just didn't have time or money to ride. It felt like something was missing.

Until now.

I still don't have money to pay for riding, but I have been able to get my foot in the door at a great barn about 20 minutes away. I started by volunteering with the 4H club, then took a riding lesson one day and then got hired as a riding teacher. It's been so great to get back in the saddle and I have the opportunity to ride some really great horses and ponies. I also have a bunch of new riding students and have loved teaching again. I wish I could be over there more, but 2x a week is all I can do at present. The family who own the barn are really kind and it's a great atmosphere to be in. I feel happy when I'm there and refreshed when I come home. The boys love it, too, as there are lots of fun things to do at a barn such as hold kittens, pet ponies, and play in the dirt!

Did I mention I have some new clients through my ABA tutoring, too? I am really working a lot right now! It feels good and hard to be so busy. We even had to get a babysitter because I'm out working so much. I'm grateful that God has provided these opportunities for me to use my gifts and degree and experience. And it's nice to be helping out with the bills, too.

So, it's going to be a busy fall and the routine is good but staying organized is hard. Praying that I'll have the grace and wisdom to do this well.

If nothing else, I'm so happy to have a barn again.

Fun and exciting Scout!

I hopped on Coco before I used him for a riding lesson. He is the stereotypical stubborn, cheeky pony!

If anyone in my area needs riding lessons, this is a great place to learn!


  1. Oh, how fun! So glad for all the opportunities God has presented you.

    True story: I grew up on a farm (really, just a "hobby" farm) and begged my parents to let me get a horse. Never happened. As you can imagine, riding a cow was not the same thing. ;)


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