The End of the Day

Except for the whirring of a fan, I can't hear much right now. For the first time since early morning, the house is quiet.

Behn is laying with Graham. He should be asleep soon.

I smell like barn and boys and dirty house and sweat. I'm grateful, because really that's all LIFE. But I'm eager for a fresh clean-up.

There's steak marinating and broccoli to be cooked. Behn and I are going to try to have a meal where we can hear each other talk, eat with forks, and laugh. It's a date night in, and these two tired parents need it. Behn mentioned how nice it would be to buy some peanut M&M's and see a movie together. We only go to the movies about once a year. Yes, it would be nice. We'll settle for an episode of The Office or, ironically, Parenthood. We're too tired to survive a night at the movies anyway, who are we kidding.

The day passed slowly, with me working all morning (barn) and then Behn and I trying, trying to do some little projects. Clean a closet, vacuum. Underfoot all day were the 2 boys, wrestling, jumping, and requiring needs to be filled.

I wrote out the Fruits of the Spirit yesterday. Each one of a pretty piece of crate paper, then taped in places around the house. Reminders of how to display His love, when I don't remember how to or don not feel like it. In the Bible study I led this summer, I became convicted of my hyposcrisy- to my children. I'm a pretty nice person, except to my children. That sounds harsh and scary and I hope it isn't. But it's easy to be polite and kind to someone who pops in and out of my life for an hour or two. But the everyday, all day: it's hard. I know a Can-Do spirit and a good resolutions won't change anything. I know myself better than that. This needs prayer and a softened heart. To be Patient. Loving. Gentle. Kind. Joyful. Joyful in the all-day baseball game and the dishes piled high and the boring bedtime stories and battles over food.

The hot August air feels heavy and I feel ready for a new season. A cool breeze and for His presence to fill our home more than ever.

For now, we can enjoy the quiet and grill our dinner and remember to give thanks in all things.


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