A Dentist Story

So, I mentioned recently that having a 3 year old is kicking my butt. This is still very much the case. Behn and I really don't know what we're doing with the kid. Survival is the main focus.

We are in a bout of several days of 3 year old insanity right now (albeit yesterday morning he was quite lovely- the evening: not so much.). This morning was no exception. Home boy was in timeout before breakfast. We had to stop everything for a special prayer time to beg God to give mama extra special patience and wisdom and that God would help Graham with some self-control. The morning continued down it's fiery path of terror. And I had this feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach: Graham had a dentist appointment at 11. He had done ok at his first dentist appointment 6 months ago, but these days everything is a fight.

Side story- last time I took Graham to get his haircut, he screamed and thrashed the whole 20 minutes. The haircut itself was a disaster- he looked like a cross between an Amish kid and a hedgehog. And everyone who was in the hair place got to listen to a toddler scream while they got their haircut. I seriously contemplated buying a round of pizzas for the whole place, but I can't afford that kind of good grace. Graham still talks about the incident and needless to say he hasn't gone back since.

So, you can just imagine how I was dreading taking him to the dentist. As if he was going to let strangers pry open his mouth and floss his teeth. Plus, I had to bring Patrick along and that kid is such a squirm ball. We were doomed.

I talked the dentist up a little bit. Graham is tricky; he knows if you are over exaggerating the wonderfulness of something. I was keeping it cool, 'hey man, you remember the dentist, right? Cause you did great last time and we're going today, isn't that fun? And you can have a prize afterwards because you're going to do great!'  You can't be too enthusiastic with him or he gets suspicious.

We got to the dentist - I prayed again- and entered a waiting room full of kids. At this point, 9 times out of 10, Graham collapses on the floor, overwhelmed by the sight of strangers and yells, 'no people!' and I have to haul him in. But this time, he only hesitated slightly and covered his eyes and then, miracle of miracles, started playing nicely with a few of the kids. We waited 15 minutes (not bad for a doctor's office) and then Graham got excited when they called his name. I strapped squirmy Patch into the stroller and we went back.

Then this happened:

Yes, it's real- I didn't photoshop the picture (I don't even know how to photoshop). My finicky kid let strangers lay him on a chair, brush his teeth with weird toothpaste, floss, and whatever else they did. Thankfully this is a pediatric dentist and they keep it quick. Patrick watched and fussed a bit but didn't have a meltdown despite the fact he was hungry and tired. The appointment really went perfectly. And Graham got to pick out a ball as a prize.

We got back into the car and all said a big Thank You! to God for being with us and helping Graham be so awesome.

Should we try the haircut thing again???


  1. Hehehe. Can't help but giggle as I read this. YAY, Graham!

  2. That is awesome! So glad it went well. I still need to find my kids a good dentist - I've heard too many horrible stories (plus G with his sensory issues fights me 70% of the time we brush his teeth).

    1. I'm sure the sensory issues make it harder- is there a dentist who specializes in special needs? To be honest, I'm not sure how *necessary* it is to take kids this young, anyway.

  3. So glad it went well!! I feel a little guilty that we haven't attempted the dentist yet, but have been kinda dreading it. I've always cut Nate's hair at home and its a struggle even though I go really fast and it never gets to the point of looking great=) I'm not sure whether getting it done by a stranger would be better or worse...
    I'll try to remember to pray for you! Three is a difficult age, at least in my limited experience of ages!!

    1. I'm not sure why they want kids to go to the dentist so early these days (money?). But my niece- same age as G- had some cavities already so I decided to take him. Thanks for your prayers! I will try to remember to pray for you, too!


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