Off the Bookshelf

I haven't done one of these in a while, but I have been reading. Here is what is on my bookshelf:

The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson

I first got to know Clarkson when I read the book Desperate, which she co-authored with Sarah Mae. I friend from church had raved about Clarkson, and so lent me this book when I showed interest in more of her writing. I'm only a few chapters in, but loving it so far. And, frankly, I really need to be reading these sort of books right now, in the throes of "Stop it!" "Don't kick your brother!" "Obey me RIGHT NOW" and the never ending dishes...the early mornings...the snotty noses...the incessant whining...the poopy all the ordinary and mundane that is motherhood. To be reminded this is a mission- gives it so much more significance.

The Pioneer Woman Cooks: A Year of Holidays by Ree Drummond

My sweet sister-in-law Lydia gifted me with this (signed!) copy of the Pioneer Woman's latest book. Lydia recently moved to L.A. and like, totally hangs out with movie stars and famous people now (hee hee). She waited in a long line with her precious girl to get this book signed- thanks Lyd! Anyway, I love Pioneer Woman's buttery cooking and this book has lots of fun recipes to try! So far, I made the turkey chicken tetrazinni and it was delish!

The Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamp

Voskamp leads my heart to Jesus, again, in this spectacular Advent Devotional. I am loving each artfully written devotion, one for each day in December until Christmas. I highly recommend this book- you could always read it anytime- not just at Christmas.

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

We watched "A Muppet Christmas Carol" the other day and I thought, "Why have I never read this novel?" So, I grabbed it at the library and was pleased to see how short and simple it is. I'm at the part now of the 2nd ghost- the Ghost of Christmas Present. It's a fun holiday read and makes me feel very literary to be reading something not from this century.

That's what's up now! I also recently read a book about hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, but I don't recommend it. The book was mediocre at best. And also, it pretty much made me decide I would never hike the PCT (although I still want to hike the Appalachian Trail one day- or at least a state of it!)


  1. I love Mission of Motherhood and I've been eyeing the Greatest Gift. Glad to hear you're enjoying them!

    1. Yes, I am! I love to read and need to prioritize it more.

  2. I'm so impressed that you're doing so much reading!!! A friend was *just* telling me about the Mission of Motherhood book and I was intrigued. Definitely going to read it now!

  3. The Muppet Christmas Carol is our family's collective favorite movie. We only own 2 movies (other than exercise videos and concerts and such) and it is one of them. Also the Christmas Carol is my favorite Dickens novel. It is short and sweet which keeps it from getting too depressing and stereotypical.

  4. MIssion of Motherhood is so good. I need to reread it. I wish I would have bought Ann Voskamp's book this year.

    1. Voskamp's book is definitely worth a read anytime!


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