A Christmas (or anytime!) Craft

Yes, this is a tutorial.

Have I mentioned I'm not crafty? Oh yes, I have. It's still true. Very rarely do I feel like crafting, and then when I do I have to go get everything because I keep very little craft stuff on hand. But, I made this craft up in my head (Really! I did! But if you look on Pinterest then no doubt you will find many similar others) and it took me days to finish. Because children.

^Monsters, both of them.

Anyways, here's what you're making:

And here's how to do it!

First, you will need:
  • Canvas (one for each letter of whatever word you choose)
  • Scrapbook Paper
  • Letters
  • Paint for the letters
  • Mod Podge
  • Paint brushes
  • Glue gun and glue
  • Ribbon, if you want
I picked to make the word 'Joy' because it's lovely and short. This isn't a cheap craft, as crafts go, because canvas is pricey, and in my opinion, so is pretty, festive scrapbook paper.

Got your supplies? Let's get crafting!

1. Paint your letters.

It is highly recommended to do this without kids around. Because you may have that thought, "Oh, we'll paint together! It'll be a Christmas memory!" And it will be a memory. A memory of mess and stress. Just, wait til the kids are in bed.

Looks like we are having fun, but not very true. There was some JOY though...

Patrick ate paint.

Graham got bored.

2. {Several days later when you finally come back to this craft and the kids are in bed}

Get yourself some cookies and hot chocolate. Turn on Christmas music.

3. Now cut that paper to the size of the canvas. In this case, I cut it 8x10. Make sure the paper will fit just inside the canvas and not overlap the edge.

4. Now, get ready to Mod Podge. Mod Podge is basically glue and it's not scary.

Mod Podge that canvas. Be generous; you want the MP all over the front of it- no bald spots.

5. Lay the paper on the freshly Mod Podged canvas (do this right away- the Mod Podge should be wet). Try to keep the paper flat with no air bubbles (hard to do).

6. Quick, Mod Podge the top of the paper now. Yes, it will look crazy and gluey. It will be fine. (P.S. you could skip this step. I like the look of the glossy, finished canvas with the extra layer of Mod Podge though.)

7. Everything needs to dry. Go ahead and grab the unabridged version of Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" and read for a while. It's an easy, short book. If you have a fireplace- I envy you; you should go sit next to it while you read.

8. The canvas is dry? Great! Now just hot glue your letters on.

9. If you're doing the ribbon part, hot glue the ribbon on as well; glue it to run behind the canvas.

10. This is the hardest part- hang it! It's tough to get it to hang evenly, but it finally worked out. I love it! (I think I need to paint my blah walls. This poor thing barely stands out). *Note the toddler is back on the scene and is threateningly holding a hammer to the wall. Remove all hammers immediately.


  1. My favorite part of this is the "extra" directions.
    I am not crafty either but I want to do something similar to this to hang above my piano - but something I can keep up all year.

    1. That would be fun! You could do "thanks" or "grace" or a million other fun words! I'm already thinking about doing a Valentine's one with Love.

  2. This turned out great! Giggling over those pics of the boys…and Graham with the hammer. yup. Crafting with little ones around = impossible.


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