Workin' Girl

What a long, long summer of job hunting it has been for me. Lots of praying, web-browsing, answering job postings, a few interviews, more praying...and I finally seem to have a real job! Lord willing, in a few weeks, I'll be working as an ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) Tutor through a health insurance company. I'll be working with kids with Autism again!

I had a few job leads this summer. First, someone contacted me about tutoring her son for the summer. He has some special needs and we have had a lot of fun working on his reading and typing. I really enjoy his family and have even babysat once. It's been a good little job and I hope to continue, but it's not enough hours for what we need me to be doing. Then, I briefly started babysitting a boy (also with some special needs). This ended up being a lot more work than I had thought, having him here at my house with my kids too. Plus, I was under the impression that the family needed childcare several days a week and it just didn't end up that way. We ended up naturally parting ways, so I had to look for work again. I even went to a 3-hour orientation about opening a licensed home daycare, but I was so intimidated by all the regulations, rules, and cost in having a daycare. We decided it was a last resort.

Then last Sunday, I got an e-mail from a BCBA who was looking for more tutors for the program that she supervises. We were really excited and happy to meet with each other, and it seems like a perfect job for me- working late afternoons and evenings tutoring kids with Autism. I get to use my skills, experience, and my degree to help provide for our family. Behn and I have been thanking God for His provision all week! I have some paperwork to do, and I then I should be cleared to get started soon.

I know it will be a transition and it's not easy having to work a part-time job, but this seems like a great door to be walking through.

He is faithful!


  1. {Hi! Life has been busy and I'm sooo behind on blog reading!!!}

    Yay! Congrats on the job. Sounds like a great opportunity for your family. :)


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