Smiling Today

I'm feeling up today.

I woke up naturally around 6:00. I used to be a morning person, one that enjoyed waking up early to see the sunrise, have some quiet time, sip my coffee slowly. Then I had kids, and for the better part of 2.5 years, I wasn't getting enough sleep. I would still say I'm not getting "enough" sleep, but it is so much better now that both kids are sleeping 10-12 hours straight.

Graham and I just read from his "Jesus Storybook Bible." I dare you not to cry while reading about the angels telling the shepherds about Baby Jesus. You just try it.

A coldfront came through last night and it is lovely outside. It's been an ok summer...I really can't complain about anything- we are so blessed. But I am looking forward to the autumn now- a fresh change and some new adventures. We've had a vacationless summer- unless you count a 3-day church retreat (which admittedly was awesome. Any time in the mountains with fun people is amazing). But we have a few adventures planned for the fall, Lord willing, and I am excited about them.

I am hoping to start riding again SOON. Even if it's just 1-2 times a month- I need that back in my life. I spoke to the owner of a nearby barn yesterday and got a great vibe from her. I hope to get out to her place next week and check things out.

And today, I'm going to enjoy my kids; and my mom and sister, who are coming over to hang out. I have bluegrass on in the background and a cinnamon candle burning. Today, I may just paint the front door blue.


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