
Time for a more positive post, right? So.....

....We're pre-approved for a little 'ol mortgage- we can buy a house! We have a realtor and have looked through dozens of online listings; so many, in fact, that I'm having dreams about them while I sleep, and the house are all starting to run together. On Thursday we're going house shopping. Behn and I are really excited, a little nervous, and very grateful.

What else is new? Patrick's rolling over all the time- my little caterpillar (wait, do caterpillars roll?).  He's the jolliest baby. Also loves cuddling:

Graham is in a major growth spurt and asks to "eat, eat!" all the time. This is great since he's such a picky eater. He's been doing better with that, but he's still picky (no veggies, no fruit with skins, no meat). This morning Graham climbed into our bed at 5:50 and asked for waffles, pancakes and eggs. He knows what he wants! That being said, homeboy can take a bite of, say, peach, hide it under his tongue, chew and swallow a cracker, and then retrieve the peach. It's truly amazing and gross and frustrating for me. Just eat the peach, kid!

Cute picture of what I found when I walked into the room on Saturday. My 3 guys watching a cartoon together on Behn's Kindle. I'm blessed!


  1. This is so great! Congrats! Enjoy house hunting! Keeping you guys in my prayers as I totally know that even though it's exciting to find a new home, it is a bit stressful!

    Your kiddos are such handsome guys!

  2. How exciting! (About house hunting - not about G hiding the peach,haha. How does he do that?!)


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