My Brother Stephen and the Significance of the March for LIFE

All week I've been thinking about this post. Today is the March for Life in Washington D.C. It's been 40 years since Roe v. Wade was signed and abortion made legal. Approximately 40-50 million children have been destroyed in that time.

It's no secret that I'm pro-life. My whole family and Behn's whole family are pro-life. We believe that at conception, humans are made in God's image. We believe in the value of life at the earliest stage.

This is my brother, Stephen (and my brother Tim, in the background):

Stephen came to our family at 3 months old and was adopted at 5 months old. He is the youngest of my siblings- I'm 16 years older than him- so I've really gotten to watch him grow up. He's 12 now.

So, 12 years ago there was a woman in an urban U.S. city who decided to choose LIFE for her baby. It might have been a really hard decision, especially in a culture where aborting unwanted children is common.
The statistics speak for themselves. Black women are 4.8 more times more likely than non-Hispanic white women to have an abortion. (source here). The city where Stephen was born has such a high abortion rate: 1 abortion for every 1.6 births in 2009. So we do not take it for granted that this little boy made his way into the world, that his mother chose life and a family for him. And we are so thankful that she did!

Adoption Day, 2000 

Little cutie! 

 Megan age 16? and Stephen

Stephen is a good musician and has been playing piano for years. Lately he scored very high on a piano test and his teacher was so pleased! We were proud :)

Stephen enjoys reading, playing games, and watching sports. He is so much fun too! Graham positively adores his "Uncle Steecee."

So, today as we grieve the millions of babies lost, we also celebrate life. We pray that God will work mightily to change hearts and that many lives will be spared. To God be the glory!


  1. great post meg.. im so glad stephen is part of our family as well!!

  2. Beautiful tribute to your brother - and to his birth mom for choosing life!


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