
Variety is the spice of life, right? Here's a variety of goings-on:

Graham is doing a very cute new thing where he wants to pick out a toy to sleep with before bed or nap. Of course, he always has to have his blanket; and now he wants a cup of water. In addition, right as I'm putting him in bed, he looks around the room and picks out something else. The thing is, it's always something different. One night it's my car keys, the next naptime, it's a ball, then a truck, then a book. Last night it was a duck. A duck that he's had forever and always ignored and was suddenly very important. He fell asleep with it and this morning when Behn got him up, Graham proudly marched up to me, smiling, and holding his duck and saying, 'duck!'


Knowing you could go into labor anytime in the next month helps keep your house clean. The thought that one of my friends, who will be caring for Graham and staying here (most likely) during the blessed event, and will be in my house makes me want to keep it extra tidy. I don't want my dirty laundry all piled up, ya know? So normally when I open the refrigerator and see that the jelly smudged, I ignore it (Don't judge. You ignore it too, right?). But now, I'm all, "Oh gosh I don't want so-and-so to think I keep a dirty fridge" and so I wipe it up. The thing is, my friends are so kind- they don't care what my house is like! This is totally something I put on myself. And it's making for a very clean house. The toilet has never been more glistening and the living room floor is loving being crumb-less.


I had two wonderful, sweet friends visit over the weekend. They came last August too, and I look forward to it so much. We watched movies, went on a walk, laughed and talked. It was perfect. Thank you Kiri and Dee!


I also had some local friends throw me a 'freezer baby shower' in which they gifted me with food items to put in my freezer. I am officially stocked up on food for baby time. We also ate some amazing cake and shared birth stories. Love my friends, far and near!


Last but not least, the 'big thing' I alluded to in my last post...

Nothing too life-changing, but God has closed another door for Behn in the job search. It was a hard pill to swallow. This time he was their 2nd choice candidate out of about 30. SOOOO close! This particular job would have kept us here, in this beautiful area that feels like our home now. But we do know that all things are working together for our good, because we are chosen and God loves us. He's leading us down a path, we just don't know when or where.  We'll just have to keep trusting and moving forward!


  1. Nate has recently been doing the same thing Graham is----looking around for something to take to bed with him! I usually have a hard time keeping him content with just one toy though=)


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