Delaware Recap and Photos of the Long-Forgotten Son

Ahem. So it's very hard for me to blog about normal life when there are big changes hanging in the balance. I'm just too consumed with major life events to be able to write about, say, silly Graham-isms or what we did over the weekend.

Some of the big things (well, one of them) has gone off the radar, so now maybe I can focus on blogging about everyday life again. I will blog about major life events (or lack thereof) sometime soon.

We went to Delaware! We spent time with family and celebrated my sister Hannah's bridal shower and also Behn's upcoming graduation from his Master's Degree. That's right, ladies and gentlemen- Behn is DONE with grad school!! It was a whirlwind trip, but fun :)

Mama and sisters at Hannah's shower. We missed Olivia though!

Master Behn cutting his cake:

Unkie Seth and Graham:

Mama's Boy:

The pool was fun, but the basketball net with Grandmom was even more fun!

Cutie Cousins:

I realized lately that I hardly take pics of Graham anymore. Silly me, I do NOT want to forget these early years! So I grabbed the camera and went to town taking a few shots of our 20-month old:

Stopping to smell the 'zowers:'

I love him. I love all the words he says. I love how he throws rocks into puddles and how he runs with his head down, arms swinging. I'd call this the 'summer of sleep' because he has slept so well the past few months. [Except the past 2 days, in which he's awoken before the sun.] Soon I'll be up again a lot at night with the new guy, so I've appreciated feeling well-rested for a little while. Graham is going to be such a cute big brother! The bag is packed for the hospital and instructions for care-givers has been written up. One month to go!


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