Sara Watkins Concert and Graham Cuteness
Last night Behn and I hired a babysitter (1st time!) and drove to Roanoke to go to a Sara Watkins concert. It was our early wedding anniversary gift to each other. It was SO fun! Seriously, if we could afford it, I'd hire a babysitter once a week for Behn and I to have a date night. I've loved Sara Watkins ever since she was in Nickle Creek, and I've loved Nickle Creek ever since they existed. So, I guess I was about 16 when I first heard that bluegrass music and it became a part of my soul. When Nickle Creek decided to go their separate ways, I was entirely bummer. However, all the members have gone on to do their own projects and Sara's solo records are amazing. She just came out with her 2nd one. Behn and I have seen her twice now (and also saw Nickle Creek twice when they were together). One thing I love is that she plays small venues (I bet she could be playing bigger shows) and always hangs out afterward, so you can say hi and get a picture. Her brother ...