A Saturday to Treasure

Every once in a while we have a special day as a family. You can't really plan ahead on these things...especially with an unpredictable toddler and a mood-swinging pregnant Megan. Things just fall into place: the weather, our moods, our activities. Days like these are to be treasured :)

Saturday was like that. Beautiful, full of sweet moments as a family.

First we went to the local Scots/Irish Festival. Gotta get our groove on with those bagpipes from time to time. Saw lots of kilts, men throwing rocks, bagpipes, and our favorite: a sheep dog trial demonstration.

 Graham really enjoyed watching the sheep and the dog. The dog owner/trainer was really cool and explained everything. Those sheep dogs are stinkin' smart.

After we came home, had lunch and Graham and I napped (Behn did chores such as washing the car because he is awesome), we decided to go to Boxerwood Garden. If you come visit us, we must take you there. It's such a gift.

It was a great day. Thankful for all the undeserved blessings we enjoy, such as time together, the sun shining, this beautiful place we live in, full tummies, freedom to enjoy our lives, health, etc. None of it can be taken for granted; He gets ALL the glory for each gift!


  1. cute last pic :)
    yes, those days are far and few but great when they come...


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