Halfway to Baby

Well, I'm 20 weeks pregnant! I should accompany this statement with a picture, but I don't like the ones Behn took yesterday, so we'll have to try again later today. I look about the same (but a little bigger) as I did when I was preggo with Graham. I feel bigger though. My sciatica nerve in the bottom of my back is giving me grief at the end of everyday. This didn't happen til waaay later on in my 1st pregnancy. Fortunately, the baby isn't big enough yet to shove my innards into my ribcage. That was a terrible part about being pregnant last time and I'm sure it'll happen soon.

I'm enjoying feeling the baby kick and move. I'm enjoying 'looking' pregnant. I'm enjoying eating too much food.

Watching Graham and Frankie is becoming really, really difficult. I know that these are 'first world problems.' I don't have to carry my water from a well, or boil beans for hours on end to make dinner, or go potty in an outhouse. I have a lot to be grateful for; life is easy, really. But it has gotten harder with these two munchkins. Lifting them is becoming a strain. Chasing them constantly is really hard work! They run constantly, open drawers, fight over toys, throw their food. The list goes on! Taking them out of the house is nearly not worth the effort anymore :( I am so grateful for my mom friends who invite us over to play because they always seem to do much better at other people's houses (read: with other kids' toys).

In 4 weeks, I won't be watching Frankie anymore. Graham will miss his buddy (as will I) and I will miss my paycheck. But, man, I am so looking forward to spending a summer with just my Graham. Only one kid to feed, change, put in the car, take to the park, etc. Frankie has been SUCH a blessing. He has been God's provision. But it's made me realize what a challenge it must be to have twins! And how hard it's going to be a mommy of two.

I'm a little scared about how hard it will be to have another baby, but we'll adjust. At least they won't both be mobile (for a while)! And they'll both be mine, my little sweet babes. God will get us through! He'll provide the money we need. He'll give me the grace and patience to love and care for them. Just gotta keep relying on Him. It's hard sometimes for me to let go of control and worry, but He has always been faithful and His promises are sure.


  1. So exciting, Megan :) Once baby # 2 comes...your instincts will jump right in and it will all work! God really will get you through it!


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