That Little Heartbeat...

Lately I've been thinking about how I've traded lifestyles...dreams...

  • We've traded fun weekend getaways and vacations for taking a toddler to the park because it's easy and free.
  • I've traded sleeping in (sleeping much at all, for that matter) for hearing my husband tease my son in the kitchen while I lay in bed for 15 extra minutes on a Saturday morning.
  • We've traded saving money for penny-pinching.
  • We've traded romantic dates for family walks, movie nights in, and cheap take-out.
  • I've traded my hobbies (running and riding), for diaper changes, cleaning up mess, bath time, and babysitting another child to make ends meet. My 'me' time is nearly non-existent, at least in the context of being out of the house.
  • I've traded buying myself new clothes to making sure Graham has all he needs.
  • I've traded time with friends for time with family.
  • I've traded a career I really wanted in social work for raising kids.
There's more...and a lot of the 'trades' are good ones. Many of them are sweet. Somehow watching Graham splash in the tub makes me smile. Hearing him say 'bubu' (bubble) and chase them is amazing. I'm not sure what I traded for those little things...freedom I guess...but it's worth it. But, some days I struggle with the things I miss. I miss going on dates with Behn. I miss being able to go for a great run (can't do it much now...always tired or working). I really, really miss traveling.

I got to hear the new baby's heartbeat today. It was precious. And it made me realize we're going to trade more dreams and make even more personal sacrifices to have this new baby. We're trading dreams for new ones, we're making more room for what matters, and we're thanking God for His plan and provision for our family. Hearing that heartbeat was all the extra push I needed to remember how amazing this ride is. 

Blessed be His name!


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