Another Late Winter Snow and Updates

Puma Gear from Uncle Luke, Aunt Jess, and Lilyana:

 Concentrating very hard...on a sing-a-long movie:
  • I wish I had fun updates for you! Other than the big baby announcement, this blog has been kinda boring lately. I think that's because winter has been, well, kind of boring. The ins and outs of our days aren't too post-worthy. We haven't had guests and we haven't really gone anywhere. I have lots going on in my mind and heart and have sat down to write up posts about that, but always cancel them. I don't want this blog to be an online personal diary, at least not often. It's started out as a family blog to keep friends and family informed on our lives, and I think it's best that way. At least for now :)
  • It's snowing again today! Of course all the snow is coming at the end of the winter, but it's too lovely to be upset over a little extra cold. Also, this time has been more fun because Graham is not sick, so seeing the wonder in his eyes as he observed the white world was really fun. Maybe later we'll go out and play in it...we'll see....not sure how fun it would be to take two 1-year olds in the snow. I feel like they'd both get wet, cold, and cranky real fast. Frankie wore his sneakers here today, and I only have one pair of toddler snow boots. Might be worth a try though.
  • One thing that has taken up much of my time and energy has been planning (with MUCH help) a morning women's retreat at church. It was on Saturday and went very well! It was really good for me to have a task: something to plan, work toward, and put my brain into. I miss working and having projects and using my mind. This retreat gave me a way to feel useful again. Plus, I've been getting much better at picking up the phone and asking for help, as well as delegating. These are useful skills!
  • Maybe yesterday I was just bloated, but I looked down and thought, 'wow, I really need to pull out the maternity pants soon!' I'll be 13 weeks on Wednesday. With Graham, I didn't 'show' at all until 16 weeks and didn't need maternity clothes until at least then. But, they say you grow faster the 2nd time around. In any case, I'll probably go find and wash them. On Saturday I saw an advertisement for Subway's Tuna Sandwich with Jalapenos and could not get it out of my mind. So I went out and got the ingredients and made it myself. It was everything I dreamed it would be :)
And that, my friends, is unfortunately all I have to say right now.


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