9 Month Graham
Our kid is 9 months old! As in, coming up on a year! Everyone says 'It'll go so fast.." Very cliche, but TRUE! The 9 months I was pregnant was much slower than the past 9 months of him being outside of me.
At 9 months, Graham:
- Stands. Pulls himself up to everything, sometimes things that don't hold his weight and then he falls on his bum.
- Cruises. Not very fast, but if he's holding on to something he can walk along for a few feet.
- Makes more sounds. We've been a little concerned about his babbling...but the past month he made a lot more noises :) The pediatrician said he's developing normally.
- Picks up 2 toys and hits them together. Drummer?
- Eats more! Loves his bananas, sweet potatoes, etc. But now he's wanting what we're having- last night he had several bits of my grilled cheese sandwich.
- Loves to be chased or for us to play 'monster' with him. I make a scary face/noise and he squeals and freaks out in glee.
- Enjoys swinging in a swing. And playing with a ball.
- Is starting to (a little bit at least) understand 'no.' We've got a long way to go on that, though.
- He extremely attached to me. He's not scared of strangers yet, but doesn't like it when I leave the room. In the morning, Behn gets Graham when he wakes up and brings him to our room to play for a while. But when I get up take a shower, Graham is pretty unhappy. He wants to know where mama is at all times!
- No teeth yet :)
I think that's a pretty thorough update...we love our boy more than ever!
cant believe he'll be one this christmas!!!