A New Season
It's the last day of August...which to me seems like the last day of summer. I know officially summer ends sometime in September, but the weather has been a little cooler here (thank You, Lord!) and it does seem like fall will be here soon.
It's a new season in a lot of ways. Behn started his new semester. There's lots of church stuff getting started for the school year. I'm busy with a few more hours of respite care and Behn is going to be volunteering at a university library for extra props to his resume. We have a new Rat this year (aka VMI freshman) who we'll be getting to know soon. There's just a lot going on here in our little family, and we have to make sure to set time aside for each other, for prayers together, and family walks, and conversations. I feel like satan likes to prowl on us when we get busy and tired, even when we're busy and tired doing good things.
Well, I need to get mowing the grass while the boys sleep. Precious naptime, I lo...