Oh Baby Graham...

Graham started rolling over front-to-back a week or so ago. Behn decided he 'should be rolling over by now' so we spent a few minutes here and there on the floor with him, encouraging him to get those knees under him and roll over. Didn't take much time for him to get the hang of it and now he rolls over all the time.

I'm going to admit, since Graham was about 10 weeks old, I've let him sleep on his belly. He's not been the best sleeper, and I was desperate to try anything. I have a great, underlying fear of SIDS, so I've been nervous about this and often wake during the night to check up on him. He's a strong little guy though and he's doing just fine. Anyway, I think Graham has taken his new-found independence of rolling over just a little too far. Now when he doesn't want to nap (though utterly exhausted), he immediately flips to his back and howls until someone comes to put him back on his belly. Then he does it again...and again. All while crying and fighting sleep. I'm thinking we're in the beginning stages of a tantrum. Oh boy. This morning I gave up and let him cry it out. And after a while, he couldn't fight any longer and fell asleep sunnyside up, with one sock kicked off during the battle.

My little silly, ornery boy.


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