How Does My Garden Grow? Part 1
This post, and those entitled "How Does My Garden Grow?" thereafter, are dedicated to my wonderful friend Kiri because she was instrumental in helping me get this garden going. She genereously took me to Lowe's and purchased everything I needed: seeds, a little hand shovel, a bunny fence, a weed cloth, and much more. She helped me plan the garden plot and plant the little seeds to get them started inside. We had so much fun doing all this, and I really appreciate it! I love my friend :)
Since we moved here, I've wanted a garden. We have a whole acre at this rental and I wanted to use the land. I want to spend time outside in the sun tending the garden, pick my own veggies in the summer, and feel a tiny bit like I'm living off the land. Being that this is my first garden, it will be small (about 10 x 10) and very well may fail. I have no idea what the soil is like here. And I really don't know what I'm doing- but I'm willing to give it a TRY! It's so nice to be home now with Graham and I have the time to do this. So let's see how it goes!
Here is the space the landlord said I could use. We'll call this the "before" picture:
It's a nice open plot, very sunny, but obviously covered in grass and weeds. So in comes the Round-up:
I sprayed it on Wednesday, so hopefully soon the grass will begin to die. I may need to spray some more if it doesn't kill enough grass.
Beets, radishes, sunflowers, oregano, beans...some stuff hasn't sprouted yet, and some stuff I'm going to plant directly into the ground when it gets warmer out.
Since we moved here, I've wanted a garden. We have a whole acre at this rental and I wanted to use the land. I want to spend time outside in the sun tending the garden, pick my own veggies in the summer, and feel a tiny bit like I'm living off the land. Being that this is my first garden, it will be small (about 10 x 10) and very well may fail. I have no idea what the soil is like here. And I really don't know what I'm doing- but I'm willing to give it a TRY! It's so nice to be home now with Graham and I have the time to do this. So let's see how it goes!
Here is the space the landlord said I could use. We'll call this the "before" picture:
Meanwhile, this is going on inside my house:
So that's the beginning of my garden journey. Stay tuned for more!
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